Pediatric Eye Exams

Pediatric Eye Exams at Bay Eye Center

A lot of essential visual development occurs during childhood, making eye exams during this crucial stage very important. Your child likely gets vision screenings at the pediatrician or school, but those tests aren't complete exams and can miss some ocular conditions. During yearly comprehensive pediatric eye exams, changes in vision can be found and treated. Some vision challenges, such as myopia, can cause continuing damage if not followed routinely by a doctor and can be caught early in pediatric eye exams.

Schedule your child's pediatric eye exam with one of our pediatric optometrists today.

Pediatric Eye Exams at Bay Eye Center

A lot of essential visual development occurs during childhood, making eye exams during this crucial stage very important. Your child likely gets vision screenings at the pediatrician or school, but those tests aren't complete exams and can miss some ocular conditions. During yearly comprehensive pediatric eye exams, changes in vision can be found and treated. Some vision challenges, such as myopia, can cause continuing damage if not followed routinely by a doctor and can be caught early in pediatric eye exams.

Schedule your child's pediatric eye exam with one of our pediatric optometrists today.

When Should Your Child Have An Eye Exam?

Most kids should have their first eye exam with a pediatric eye care provider between the ages of 2 and 5. This age range gives eye doctors enough time to identify and treat eye problems before they become permanent.

But you can schedule an appointment at any age for your child, even as a baby. Your child can't always tell you if something's wrong, especially as an infant or young toddler.

Consider scheduling an eye exam earlier if:

  • You have concerns about your child's vision
  • You have concerns about your child's overall development and/or behavior
  • Your child was born prematurely (at 32 weeks or less of gestation), which increases the risk for eye conditions
  • Your child fails their vision screening at school or with their pediatrician
  • You have a family history of eye problems in childhood, such as amblyopia ("lazy eye"), strabismus (eye turn), or the need for glasses

Schedule Your Child's Eye Exam

When Should Your Child Have An Eye Exam?

Most kids should have their first eye exam with a pediatric eye care provider between the ages of 2 and 5. This age range gives eye doctors enough time to identify and treat eye problems before they become permanent.

But you can schedule an appointment at any age for your child, even as a baby. Your child can't always tell you if something's wrong, especially as an infant or young toddler.

Consider scheduling an eye exam earlier if:

  • You have concerns about your child's vision
  • You have concerns about your child's overall development and/or behavior
  • Your child was born prematurely (at 32 weeks or less of gestation), which increases the risk for eye conditions
  • Your child fails their vision screening at school or with their pediatrician
  • You have a family history of eye problems in childhood, such as amblyopia ("lazy eye"), strabismus (eye turn), or the need for glasses

Schedule Your Child's Eye Exam
Dr. Sarah Williams, pediatric eye doctor

Sarah Williams, OD, FAAO


Dr. Williams specializes in pediatrics and binocular vision having completed a residency in Pediatric Optometry. She has extensive experience seeing children and managing conditions such as strabismus, amblyopia, and convergence insufficiency. Dr. Williams is accepting new patients and is comfortable seeing patients 6 months and older.

Dr. Williams is now accepting new patients at Bay Eye Center in the North Easton and Mansfield locations.

Book Your Child's Eye Exam

Meet Dr. Sarah Williams

Dr. Sarah Williams, pediatric eye doctor

Dr. Sarah Williams specializes in pediatrics and binocular vision having completed a residency in Pediatric Optometry. She has extensive experience seeing children and managing conditions such as strabismus, amblyopia, and convergence insufficiency. Dr. Williams is accepting new patients and is comfortable seeing patients 6 months and older.

Dr. Williams is now accepting new patients at Bay Eye Center in Easton and Bay Eye Center in Mansfield.

Book Your Child's Eye Exam


Pediatric Eye Health

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